Category: Cape Town

Posts in this category have a focus related to Cape Town life or culture, be it wine, cuisine, local events or general comment.


Cape Town Restaurant Autumn/Winter Specials

We all love a good special and, come winter, Cape Town restaurants usually provide a great selection of them to patrons. This year, however, seems to be a little different. With the upcoming Football World Cup, many restaurants seem to be extending current specials only till the end of May and I can’t say I blame them; what with the sketchy statistics about how many visitors are expected in the host cities and all…


Renewing a Driver’s License at Gallows Hill, Green Point

Overall my experience was not as dire as I am sure we have all come to expect from South African bureaucracies. That is not to say that I could not instantly point out any number of inefficiencies in the incumbent system, but I think I am mostly grateful that I managed to spend under an hour in the rather depressing building that is Gallows Hill Traffic Department in Green Point, Cape Town…



None of us like to be pigeon-holed. But stereotyping is unavoidable and inevitable in contemporary society; a society inundated with a constant overload of information. We have to label things based on general conception in order to cope and manage our perceptions. And so, with the help of some Tweeps (see below), I managed to compile some of the characteristics of a typical Capetonian…